Spiel: Toto Neujahrsfeuerwerk

Homepage / Abenteuer Spiele / Neujahrs Spiele / Toto Neujahrsfeuerwerk Spiel (Toto's New Year Fireworks)

Spiele für Mädchen - GameGirly.com


Abgegebene Stimmen:  16 .  75%  mögen das Spiel.
Abgegebene Stimmen: 16 . 75% mögen das Spiel.
Beschreibung Toto Neujahrsfeuerwerk:
Happy New Year, everybody! The new year is here, and we are all still celebrating. The cute Toto has a surprise for everyone. He has prepared an amazing and wonderful magical firework show, but his skills are not enough to dazzle and amaze the celebrating city. Help him pop the fireworks by using your own skills. You two will surely make a great team. The fireworks will pop in time, and so magical lights will be in the sky and the people will truly be happy with the spectacle you're offering. The city will be more alive then ever! Kisses for Toto, and for you. What amazing skills... Great job, everyone!

Spiel Anleitung:
Play Toto's New Year Fireworks with your mouse.


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